Antarctic Ice Marathon®️

more about the event

This race presents a truly formidable and genuine Antarctic challenge with underfoot conditions comprising snow and ice throughout, an average windchill temperature of -20C, and the possibility of strong katabatic winds to contend with. Furthermore, the event takes place at an altitude of 700 meters.

The Antarctic Ice Marathon is run in the interior of Antarctica, not on King George Island outside the Antarctic Circle. It is organized by Runbuk, who also bring you some world-class events, including the North Pole Marathon®, the Antarctic Ice Ultra®, the World Marathon Challenge® (7 Marathons 7 Continents 7 Days™).

The three-day itinerary will see competitors fly by private jet from Punta Arenas, Chile, on 12th December to the marathon location at Union Glacier, Antarctica. A marked course of 42.2km (26.2 miles) will be prepared in advance and snowmobile support, aid stations and medical personnel will be at hand for the duration of the race. Competitors are scheduled to return to Punta Arenas on 14th December.

The Antarctic Ice Marathon is a unique opportunity to complete a marathon that is truly worthy of the seventh continent. You can join the exclusive 7 Continents Marathon Club by combining this race with marathons on each of the other six continents. Don't expect to run your quickest time, however, as winds can blow from the Pole at a steady 10-25 knots. Also, forget about penguins or crowds cheering you along the route - no penguins live this far south and you will have to rely upon yourself to push onward in the hushed, indomitable surroundings.

For those who prefer a half-marathon option, the Frozen Continent Half-Marathon will also be run on the day of the Marathon race. This half-marathon is your opportunity to cover 21km (13.1 miles) on the 'white continent' and finish the southernmost half marathon on the planet.


For the registration fee of USD $20,500, participants will be flown round-trip from Punta Arenas, Chile, to the Union Glacier camp in the interior of the Antarctic. Competitors will receive accommodation and food for their entire Antarctic trip and entry to their race of choice. Top class photos of each competitor in action will be distributed for personal use, as well as medals, t-shirts and patches.

Please note: Weather problems can result in flight re-scheduling and the scheduled duration of the trip could be shortened or lengthened accordingly.



Before flying into Antarctica, the group will meet at Punta Arenas, Chile.


training & Gear

A layering system is necessary to keep you warm while being light enough to enable you to undertake a physical challenge.


official Gear

The inaugural Antarctic Ice Marathon technical jacket.



"The Ice Marathon was one of the most memorable and enjoyable weeks of my life. Union Glacier is an enchanting backdrop for a race, and every aspect of the experience is 5-star. I met a tremendous group of runners, the camaraderie is wonderful. The race is a huge challenge and the most perfect way to combine sport and visiting such an incredible part of our world."

Shirley Thompson (Ireland), Jungle Marathon organiser

"The Antarctic Ice Marathon was the most exciting, uplifting, inspiring, emotional and tiring experience of my life. I was very proud and privileged to be in Antarctica, never mind being part of an international field of runners who were a great bunch, all with a story to tell. Life will never be the same again."

John Killingworth (Great Britain)

"The entire expedition was impeccably organized. The race is also infinitely more spectacular than other events held on islands near Antarctica, yet it is achievable by anyone with determination who seeks a challenge. The Ice Marathon completed my 7th continent and eleven of us received the 7 Continents Marathon Club medal in 2012."

Gloria Liu (Singapore)